asylum | utilities


Patch instructions:

Patch1 contains the patch for Asylum version 1, Patch2 for Asylum version 2.

To install, just copy the appropriate !RunImage3 and Patch into !Asylum.Code. Both patches fix the graphical glitch in the tiled background sprite which is seen on StrongARM machines (due to the games use of self modifying code). The Asylum 2 patch also fixes the bug that stops mode 13 from being used.

Both patches should work on any machine with RISC OS 3.7 or above, or with the CallASWI module. They've only been tested with the full versions of Asylum, and it's highly unlikely that they'll work with the demos.

The MkPatch files contain the patch source code.

Replacement FastSpr module

This is primarily for users of version 2 of Asylum, although installing it on other versions shouldn't do any damage. It should fix the bug where Asylum crashes with an 'abort on data transfer' message when you die/complete a zone. To install, just copy into !Asylum.Modules. The module itself is just a recompilation from the FastSpr source in GameSuite 3, but seems to do the trick - the copy in GameSuite musn't be the same version as the one distributed with Asylum. Version 2.02 (or later) of Asylum has this module installed as default.


These two obey files allow you to easily backup and restore your Asylum configuration, high scores, and Id permit. Copy them to where you want the backups to be stored, then run Backup to backup the files and Restore to restore them. The 'current' copy of Asylum will be used as a reference - i.e. the copy which was last run, so be careful not to have different copies of Asylum which may confuse the program. To use to upgrade to a different version of Asylum:

  1. Make sure the filer has 'seen' your !Asylum directory, and your !Id, !Ego and !Psyche directories if you are running version 1 of Asylum. It's probably best to double-click the level directories to make sure the computer knows which ones you're interested in.
  2. Run !Asylum, to make sure everything is set up properly
  3. Quit asylum
  4. Run the 'backup' program
  5. You should have between three and five new files: Config (optional), Idpermit (optional), EgoScores, IdScores and PsyScores. If not then something has gone wrong :(
  6. Delete/store somewhere safe your current copy of Asylum
  7. Install a new copy of Asylum
  8. Reboot your computer for good measure, although you can probably skip this.
  9. Again make sure the filer has 'seen' your !Asylum directory, and your !Id, !Ego and !Psyche directories if you are running version 1 of Asylum. It's probably best to double-click the level directories to make sure the computer knows which ones you're interested in.
  10. Run !Asylum, to make sure everything is set up properly
  11. Quit asylum
  12. Run the 'restore' program
  13. Play away! :)

Alternatively just install a new version of Asylum and copy the files across by hand, as this won't require quite so many steps. You'll need to copy:

!Asylum.Resources.Config (If you have one)
!Asylum.Resources.Idpermit (If you have one)

The !Ego, !Id and !Psyche are stored inside !Asylum from version 2 and up. You'll need to copy the files from the old version into the corresponding place in the new version you install.


These are various Asylum and Oddball cheat modules, by various people. There is also an 'Idpermit' file for Asylum - just copy this into !Asylum.Resources and you'll be able to play the Id level.

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