asylum | nobrainer

nobrainer is a CLI utility written by Jeffrey Lee to convert from/to various Asylum file formats. This is useful for peeking into existing levels, and creating your own :) The files it understands are detailed below. Note that usage details refer to the already complied RISC OS version - consult the !ReadMe file for details for other platforms, and for other more detailed information about nobrainer.

Asylum levels

This takes an Asylum level file (the Brain file, and the 8 cell files) and converts it into a spritefile.

nobrainer !Asylum.!Ego.Brain egobrain

The colours in the palette match up with the block numbers detailed in the 'blocks' file. So you can use !Paint to design your own levels, or alter existing ones to make those cells slightly easier to access ;) To convert back to Asylum format, simply swap the two filenames around. Don't forget to keep backups.
Level output sprite
Ego Tiled background spritePsyche Tiled background spriteId Tiled background sprite

Tiled background sprite

This takes an Asylum tiled background sprite file (The Backfile found just inside the level applications, and the Neurons directories) and converts it into a spritefile.

nobrainer -b !Asylum.!Ego.Backfile egoback

The sprite produced is 48x32 pixels. Again, to reverse the process, simply swap the filenames around. Use it to change the backgrounds used in Asylum, or to create an Asylum-themed desktop backdrop :)


This takes a FastSpr file (FSPBloke, FSPChars, FSPExplo, FSPAliens, FSPBlocks) and converts it into a multi-sprite spritefile.

nobrainer -s !Asylum.!Ego.FSPAliens egoaliens

There you go - all ready for editing in !Paint and putting back into the game (reverse the process in the usual way) - or even creating some completely new ones; maybe putting scans of your enemies in... Note that all sprites to be converted back have to be in Mode 13.

Fastspr sprite
Compressed border sprite

Compressed border

This takes a compressed border file (chatscreen, GameScreen) used for in-game borders, and converts it into a spritefile.

nobrainer -e !Asylum.Resources.GameScreen gameborder

Perhaps useful for designing Asylum II...


Download (26K). v0.07, 13 Apr 2019.

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